Preventing Bribery in Business (ABC)

A set of interactive and engaging online courses which look at preventing bribery in business for employees.

How It Works

This interactive CPD accredited eLearning course is designed to help organisations give their employees a firm foundation in the UK Bribery Act and the Fraud Act 2006, the offences covered by the Acts and how to avoid and prevent bribery in their work.

A wide range of scenarios, across different public and private sector examples, help learners bring the content to life, make it relatable and help learners engage. A supermarket, construction company, local government, and housing association illustrate the offences in action – based on real cases.

The benefits of choosing off-the-shelf eLearning

  • Fun, accessible, and interactive online training
  • Customise courses to fit your brand
  • Up to 100 languages available
  • Free eBook to boost knowledge retention and support real-time implementation
  • Learn on-the-go with mobile-friendly courses
  • Add your own content; policies, procedures, PDF, videos, and more
  • CPD, IATP, and ECSC assured
  • RoSPA assured

* This eLearning only provides awareness education. Face to face training would be needed in addition in order to complete the all-round skills and knowledge to be able to carry this forward practically in your organisation.

These courses cover


  • The extent and impact of bribery globally
  • The legislation, offences, improper performance and penalties
  • Recognising the different offences in action
  • The difference between hospitality and bribery
  • What facilitation payments are and how to recognise them


  • The legislation and offences associated with bribing a foreign public official
  • Recognising and resisting facilitation payments and bribing a foreign official


  • An explanation of the six principles that must guide anti-bribery procedures and what they mean in practice

Course details

Blue compliance icon

General staff, Managers, Overseas workers.

Blue time icon

61 mins + post course test (Full), 33 mins + post course test (Essentials), 52 mins + post course test (Managers), 42 mins + post course test (Overseas),

Black icon of an accreditation


Blue icon of a book signifying knowledge and learning

eBook Available

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“We have been developing for over 20 years, so we really know what works for customers and learners”

Jackie Finlay, Head of Off-the shelf learning

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