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Making the best people even better is my goal

Put L&D at the heart of your people strategy

Nurture a learning and development culture by giving your people the right tools to encourage self-led learning, and take their performance to the next level.

Blue icon showing a book emitting knowledge with a mouse clicker hovering over the button

Empower and upskill people

Create a culture of self-led learning and focus on continuous development.

Black icon showing different people connected in a group

Drive better performance

Connect learning with performance to develop high-performing teams.

Blue icon of a hand pressing a button

Learn anytime, anywhere

Whether you’re driving learning through desktop, mobile or in a classroom, access your training wherever you are.

Blue icon of eLearning

Blended learning

Get the best of both worlds with an intuitive classroom management system and the very best in eLearning delivery.

Thin blue icon of two speech bubbles

Reviews that drive success

Build flexible reviews to suit your goals and empower employees.

Grey icon showing a computer displaying different charts

Reporting in a flash

With both high-level dashboards and in-depth reporting – it’s easy to see just how well L&D is performing in your organisation.

Don’t just take our word for it.

Got a question VIDEOOO?

Learning & Development

Develop top talent

Improve employee experience by connecting your learning and development solutions. Align individual learning and objectives to organisational and team goals. Track progress and reward success year-round.

Laptop and mobile phone showing an individual's activities in Perform

Ensure employee development and compliance with eLearning

Keep your company compliant, and empower your people to take responsibility for their learning and development with interactive and engaging eLearning courses.

Criminal Finances Act (CFA)

Positive Mental Health at Work

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Communicating to Influence

Health and Safety: In the Office

Customer Service Knowledge and Attitude

New and Expectant Mothers

Download the learning & performance brochure

From compliance to career growth, linking learning with performance management is critical for any business’ success.

Frequently asked questions

Why is learning and development important in the workplace?

Learning and development are vital for a range of reasons, branching from employee engagement to talent attraction and retention. Organisations that maintain an engaged workforce are 21% more profitable and 17% more productive than those that don’t.

Our learner survey shows that 67% of learners want more choices of courses and formats so they can learn in a way that suits them to ensure a greater chance of success.

Let your employees expand their knowledge and skills by providing a platform for extra learning, within or outside their job area. Whether it’s a formal qualification, chartered institute, or more general development, your employees want to learn, so why not make it easy? 

By normalising the learning people want to do, it’s easier to engage them with those things they have to do.

What should an L&D strategy include?

An effective learning and development strategy is one that aligns closely with your organisation’s overall objectives. Whether that’s focusing on the development of your employees or meeting compliance rates, it’s important to clarify what you are trying to achieve.

Creating a culture of self-led learning is vital for sustained development. Encourage employees to take ownership of their professional growth, and provide resources and support for learning opportunities. Utilising technology platforms and learning management systems (LMS) ensures efficient training delivery and accessibility. Feedback and evaluation mechanisms should be in place to assess the effectiveness of the programs and gather input from participants for continuous improvement.

When it comes to mandatory training (think: niche compliance, really specialist health & safety, etc), sometimes a classroom session is the right call for your teams, but keeping track of who’s compliant is difficult without a system to track it in – especially if your teams are in different locations.

Implementing an LMS gives you the ability to host all of your courses in one central location for those courses that can be moved online. However you choose to adapt to a new way of working, an LMS is vital for compliance.

Performance management should also be considered in an L&D strategy. Conversations and regular reviews play a crucial role in allowing individuals to exchange information and ideas, providing opportunities to learn from others and gain new perspectives.

In today’s hybrid-working era, it is important to prioritise keeping your teams on track and providing them with growth and development opportunities. Employees have a strong desire to enhance their professional skills and progress in their careers, and they value employers who demonstrate a genuine commitment to supporting their development.

What is the relationship between learning and development?

Learning and development are interconnected processes that support each other. Learning serves as the foundation for development by enabling individuals to acquire new knowledge and skills. It provides the necessary tools and understanding to develop competencies and capabilities. Development activities reinforce learning by offering opportunities for practical application and experience.

If an organisation can provide its employees with a platform to promote learning and development, it will improve retention rates and overall engagement. 93% of organisations are worried about employee retention, so implementing an L&D strategy is the key

A team looking at how they can improve the employee lifecycle

A talent for developing talent

Keep great talent on your team by giving them the opportunity to learn and grow as your business flourishes.

Circular image of manager discussing with employee

Make work, work better for them

A happy team is a productive team. And with all of our tools at your disposal, you can always get the best from yours.

Fall back in love with your job

When you’re passionate about what you do, it shows. Get your entire team fired up with tools and learning that make every working day a positive experience.

Manager speaking with team member discussing a project

Empower your people

Give your people the power to become everything they want to be. They’ll thank you for it.

Laptop showing all courses from Learn LMS


We have a cabinet full of awards. Try our LMS and it’s easy to see why.

A very intuitive, accessible LMS

“Our implementation of Learn and our transformation to digital learning has proven to be so successful that we will never go back to our old face-to-face model. We have moved the majority of our training online – even dog training – enabling us to make considerable time and cost savings and focus on training more people, more effectively.”

Jo Cottingham, Learning and Organisation Development LMS Specialist