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How to avoid seasonal hiring nightmares

and why now is the time to act

January’s here; that festive glow is fading away, and your colleagues are regaling you with tales of their relaxing ten days out of the office where they could totally ‘switch off’.

If you can’t relate and feel more exhausted than you did pre-Christmas, you’re probably a HR or recruitment manager.

Did you spend your festive season bulk-hiring seasonal workers (who have already left!) to cover the Christmas rush?

Was it super painful – like it always is – filled with manual tasks, paperwork, and a little screaming into the void?

Let’s not do that again.

Before the trauma starts to fade, only to surprise you again in December (yes, we know, it’s the same every year), why not put plans in place now, and start thinking about lovely software that can ease your burden?

We all know that an Applicant Tracking System can make recruitment easier, but did you know that some of them can make bulk hiring a doddle? Forget manually tracking candidates’ progress and juggling a thousand interviews: Recruit ATS can do that for you.

Learn from last year’s mistakes. Upgrade your bulk-hiring strategy with the help of our Applicant Tracking System, Recruit ATS.

So you’ve found your people – what now?

It doesn’t stop with just hiring the right candidates; onboarding tonnes of new starters at once – in a way that doesn’t make them want to run for the hills – is an even bigger challenge.

Some of your seasonal workers may come back time and again, fitting shifts around studying and seeking some extra cash, and some may even become permanent team members in the future.

That’s if they actually want to work with you again.

So how do you give an excellent onboarding experience to hundreds of people?

And before you ask, “Why does it have to be excellent?” – you can improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70% with a strong onboarding process.

Save your precious time and invest in a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) with specialist bulk hiring functionality.  

Our HRIS, Sapling, takes care of those repetitive, manual HR tasks. It’s ability to automate and streamline core HR tasks means the onboarding process only takes minutes from a HR perspective.

And not forgetting the integration with our ATS. So, all candidate information flows straight into Sapling without any fuss… magic!

No more over-exhaustion or relaxation envy hearing about people’s “chilled” Christmas breaks, while you were frantically back-dating new starter paperwork.

Help get your work-life balance on track with our HR software.

Speak to our team about your challenges and we’ll show you how our award-winning software can help you focus more on your people strategy and less on those resource-heavy, output-poor tasks.

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Written by Mara Swann

Mara has a passion for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion across global workplaces and hopes to inspire learners to focus on their own careers with self-directed learning content.


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