Kallidus achieves highest eNPS score in company history.

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It’s true. We’ve all been there, whether its clothes, advice, or education, one size certainly does not fit all.

No two people are alike, so why should their learning be? What works for one individual, or even one team, may not work for the rest of the organisation. And that’s no bad thing. We’re all unique and subject to our own preferences in how we work most efficiently.

But how different are we when it comes to learning? And how can leaders cater to this?

No two job roles are the same

How many different roles are there within your organisation?

In fact, how many different roles are there within your team?

There are thousands of roles that make up the success of your organisation, all as important as each other, and it just keeps growing. Many people have jobs that didn’t exist 5 years ago! And within all these different roles, there are thousands of different skills and capabilities that are needed. So, how can we expect the learning of everyone in your organisation to be the same?

With the technology ever evolving, half of the workforce will need to reskill or upskill by 2025 to keep up. So, it comes as no surprise that 29% of learners spent time learning technical skills in 2022.

This year’s Learner Survey report discovered that 45% want user-generated content so they can knowledge share with peers. Further research shows that 91% of employees want personalised, relevant courses – the same way we see recommended shows on Netflix (and then binge-watch). If learning is directly connected to a learner’s job, they’ll get insights that can enhance their day-to-day work life, which is far more motivational for better performance than generic content.

So, as our roles are forever dynamic, our learning must be the same! And it’s really not as difficult as it may seem. With our award-winning Learning Management System (LMS), Learn, it has never been easier to provide 1,000s of different courses for compliance, reskilling, and upskilling, that are all user relevant and all in one place!

We all learn differently

Do you prefer writing or typing notes? Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do you like a standing desk or a seated one?

There are so many ways we are different in our working styles and environment. It’s our unique way of discovering what makes us more efficient and productive in our roles. Could you imagine if you had to spend the day working in the same way as someone else? Would you be as efficient?

Probably not. It’s pretty simple – if you’re an early bird, your best work will not be done in the evening, vice versa. So, why should your people be forced into the same styles of learning?

Unsurprisingly, eLearning came out on top again in this year’s Learner Survey with 66% of learners showing preference for this method of learning. Close behind was blended learning at 60%, and microlearning at 55%. Mobile learning is also growing in popularity, with 62% of learners rating it effective or very effective, up from 59% last year. This could be down to digital natives, Gen Z making up 25% of the workforce, or the fact that self-led learning is still on the rise and mobile learning makes that easier.

Interestingly, 39% prefer visual learning, 20% prefer social, and 11% prefer verbal. That’s quite a mix! Can you now see why one size definitely doesn’t fit all? But if you could provide your people with options, imagine the success and productivity that would happen?

So, how do you cater to different learning methods for all your people in one place? Invest in an LMS! Our LMS, Learn, provides a platform for your people to learn whenever suits them, through eLearning, quizzes, videos, and so much more. With ease of reporting, you can continually track your people’s learning to ensure the method are successful!

An LMS can boost workplace productivity, and reduce training costs for an organisation by 25% to 40% – it’s a win-win, right? Show your people you’re invested in their learning needs. Speak to an expert today.

Everyone has a preference, and really, they’re not difficult to cater to. By asking your people how they like to learn, or offering them the opportunity to find out, you’re providing choice over their learning. This can do wonders for an individual’s engagement and results because if they’re confident in their learning method, they’re confident in themselves.

Want to find out how to improve your L&D strategy to help engage and retain your people? Download the learner survey report today.

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Written by Claire Moloney

Claire is an enthusiastic and meticulous content writer whose passion is to support growth and continual learning for everyone.


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