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Employee engagement

Company culture: why purpose matters more than payslip

The difference between businesses that are truly great and those that aren’t, is that the truly great ones know exactly why they do what they do – and so do their employees.

Earning money may have been the number one motivator historically (don’t get us wrong, it’s still really important), but today’s employees are seeking purpose. They want to be part of your mission and they want to help deliver it. If your people just feel like a cog in a machine – they’ll leave.

What is it that gets your people out of bed in the morning?

Why do they work for you?

Why do you run a business?

Why, why, why? Let’s start there.

Purpose over pay

Let’s be honest, the last year has been exhausting.

As we welcome 2022 and look back on two turbulent years of lockdowns, working from home and missing precious time with loved ones, people have started to re-evaluate their careers and prioritise purpose over money. Creating a strong workplace culture where everybody shares the same purpose, is fundamental to your employees feeling valued and fulfilled.

To put it simply; happy employees mean better productivity, 13% better to be exact.

Winning your employees attention can not only help towards delivering purpose-led roles but in terms of productivity and retention, it’ll knock your competition out of the park (and it’s a really big park).

Core values are everything

Whatever your values are, use them to shape your culture and empower your employees. Integrity, Commitment, Communication, Trust – you get the drill.

Company values are great if you’re acting on them. And no, printing your values and sticking them on the reception wall like pretty artwork is not going to win you that top talent.

Take communication technology giant, Zoom. Making it into Glassdoor’s Top 100 Places to Work, Zoom have proven time and time again that they nurture their company culture.

From wellness benefits and flexible working arrangements to unlimited annual leave, Zoom are focused on caring for their community, customers, and Zoomies. (Yes, their employees really are called Zoomies.)

So, how do you stop your employees walking out the door to those companies that are acing culture?

Invest in L&D.

LinkedIn’s 2021 Workplace Learning Report found that when it comes to Gen Z, 83% want to learn skills to help them perform better in their current role and 73% want to learn about a topic they are personally interested in.

We all remember tedious training days sitting in a dark room, wondering what’s on the menu for lunch and praying for an early finish. And whilst a move toward blended learning is a concept we can get behind, the real power lies in eLearning and it’s ultimate flexibility. eLearning is here to stay and an effective Learning Management system will soon become your new best friend.

Our LMS, Learn, can help you deliver learning that’s engaging, rewarding and let’s your employees live out your company’s core values; it’s a win-win, right?

Keep your employees for the long-haul

COVID-19 gave a lot of people a lot of spare time.

And that time wasn’t only spent making banana bread and joining the weekly family virtual quiz; it gave many people time to think about their personal and professional future goals.

The outcome? Employees want more growth opportunities, and they want them NOW.

In 2021, 74% of workers blame not reaching their full potential on a lack of development opportunities – so how do you keep flight-risk employees grounded?

Googling “employee growth plan” simply won’t cut it anymore. Get them on board with your why and make them feel more connected with the company than ever before. Offer them the chance to upskill and progress, and give them that sense of security they are so desperately craving.

In our recent Learner Survey report we found that over 50% or workers felt their organisation had created a strong learning culture, and yes, that does include working from home.

How to create a strong learning culture in a hybrid working era

Invest in a HRIS that will get your new employees excited before they’ve even started.

Our HRIS, Sapling, automates the onboarding process making it a whole lot easier for HR and heaps more engaging for new recruits. A whopping 69% of employees are likely to stay past three years in a company when they’ve experienced a great onboarding process. After all, first impressions are everything.

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Written by Claire Moloney

Claire is an enthusiastic and meticulous content writer whose passion is to support growth and continual learning for everyone.


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