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onboarding processes

Give new starters an incredible onboarding experience. Automate your tasks and workflows to reduce manual admin.

Give new hires a warm welcome

Introduce new hires to your company, culture and team before they even start! Eliminate manual admin, data duplication and things being missed with employee onboarding software.

Create the perfect onboarding experience

Sapling’s preboarding portal engages your new hires from before day one.

  • Introduce new hires to your company, culture and team before their start date.
  • Grant access to update their profile
  • Provide access to the company org chart so new hires can learn more about their new team

Download your free brochure

Choose a time-saving onboarding system.

Find an onboarding system to start impressing your new people before day one, download the brochure today.

Forget the features – and focus on the benefits

Getting people onboarded faster reduces their time to productivity and improves performance.

Run repeatable processes

Designed with onboarding in mind, its ability to automate and streamline core HR tasks means the onboarding process only takes minutes, freeing your people team up to look after your people!

Laptop showing the 'add a new hire' screen in Sapling HRIS

Collect better data

When integrated with our ATS, all candidate information flows straight into Sapling without the manual hours, removing any risk of human error!

You can even data sync with your payroll and integrate with communication applications such as Slack.


Mobile phone showing an introduction to a company in Sapling HRIS

Full visibility of the employee lifecycle

Create countless customised dashboards to provide insights tailored to your needs.

  • Get high-level visibility of your onboarding pipeline
  • Stay on top of cross-functional tasks
  • Deep dive into individual progress with the click of a button
  • Track manager/new starter check-ins
  • Manage audit trails for all changes
Tablet showing a headcount report in Sapling HRIS

Improve onboarding experience

Get your new hires off to a great start with an onboarding programme that makes them feel welcomed, prepared, and excited to get stuck in.

With access to Sapling before their very first day, your new hires can get to know the culture, who their team is, and even integrate with Learn LMS for pre-start learning.

A great onboarding experience = long-term, happy people.

Mobile phone showing a welcome screen in Sapling HRIS

Integrations your team loves

Sapling integrates seamlessly with your international HR, IT and Finance systems. No more compromising; leverage the best-of-breed tools your team needs to succeed.

  • Workday
  • Slack
  • LinkedIn
  • Gsuite
  • And so much more
Circular image of a new employee during remote onboarding

Frequently asked questions

What is ‘onboarding’?

Definition: Onboarding is the process of integrating a new employee into an organisation. It brings new employees up to speed on company policies and benefits, gives role clarity and relevant training and helps them form social connections with their new colleagues. In short, onboarding ensures people are equipped with all the tools and resources they need to thrive in their new role.

What are the benefits of onboarding software?
  • For Employees: It’s all about the employee experience. Times are changing, and money is no longer the sole employee motivator. People want a great experience, and they’re not scared to leave and find it elsewhere. So, what better way to start them off than with an excellent onboarding programme that makes them feel welcomed, prepared and excited to get stuck in.
  • For HR: Make remote onboarding a dream. Gone are the days of in-person inductions. With many businesses now choosing to offer flexible or fully-remote roles, your onboarding process needs to be extra engaging where employees don’t have the chance to organically integrate into the company (how do you replace those water cooler moments?).

Great onboarding can increase productivity by over 70%. Choosing the right technology, where you have full visibility over the entire process, is key to making sure new hires have a seamless experience, much like they would in an office environment.

Will it help with my employee retention? 

Employee retention is top of mind for many organisations this year, and for good reason. Employee turnover is expensive once you factor in things like the cost to backfill the position and the cost of vacancy. While some turnover is always expected, you still want to maximise your employee lifetime value. Replacing a new hire within 90 days is more wasteful than replacing a more tenured employee who has provided your organisation with years of productivity.

Organisations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82 per cent. This should begin with employee preboarding the moment an offer letter is signed, as 11 per cent of candidates have changed their minds on an offer after signing. Extend a warm welcome to build off the excitement of your recruitment process and offer and provide a smooth transition from candidate to a new hire. Get the paperwork out of the way so your employee’s first day can be filled with celebration, introductions, and early learning. Then continue your onboarding process for at least 90 days to ensure new hires properly acclimate and assimilate to their new roles—and stay long-term.

Can an onboarding plan help kick-start productivity?

New hires typically need more than a year to ramp to full productivity. It takes time to settle into a new role between things like getting to know your organisation and building relationships to forge cross-functional teams.

Onboarding employees the right way can speed up this process, decreasing time to proficiency and improving productivity by over 70 per cent. A great onboarding process helps the new hire become acclimated to the organisation and facilitates relationship-building between employees. It also includes goal setting, frequent manager check-ins, and employee development so employees know what’s expected of them, where they stand and have a plan to improve. Only 21 per cent of employees strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work, making this an impactful focus area for many organisations.

Can it help save time?

It’ll save time and lots of it. One of the biggest benefits of onboarding software is the amount of time it saves when it comes to repetitive tasks. It removes the bulk of the heavy lifting, saving everyone time that can then be utilised elsewhere.

Preparing to scale or already quickly growing? As exciting as rapid business growth is, it’s also a critical time to ensure your onboarding experience will retain top talent rather than send them running for the hills. Great onboarding software will make it easy to onboard multiple hires at once by automatically assigning workflows, documents and emails. The best bit – workflows can be customised if they’re in different teams, geographies, or reporting lines.

Need more room to store paperwork? Concerned about how GDPR-friendly your filing system is? Onboarding software will digitalise everything. Not only is it a more efficient way to store (and access) essential documents, it helps the environment too – win-win.

Versapay rapidly scaled their workforce with Sapling

Versapay chose Kallidus’ employee onboarding software, Sapling, because it was a perfect fit for their team’s current and future needs.

Still unsure? Download our brochure

Customer reviews

Catherine N

Senior Manager, People Operations

Finally found a tool to manage my global workforce


Clean interface, easy to navigate, multifunctional for my team’s profiles, time off, workflows and document management for my entire employee life cycle.

Joey F

Kallidus is a learning platform that challenges, provokes and instils a passion for learning


It is interactive and intuitive. The learning is fun, engaging and informative.

Verified User

Staffing and Recruiting

Very easy system to use. Good layout very clear to understand. Would highly recommend.

How easy it is to move around system and how clear it is to understand each part of the system and how to use it.

Simon B

Head of Learning and Development

Kallidus Perform transformed our culture


I like the visibility through a team structure as a head of department, the oversight I have of the hierarchy of teams that report into me via a management team.

I enjoy the ability to share input from both sides, allow for edits and review and the requirement for final sign off is particularly useful.

Verified User

Financial Services

Good product, excellent customer service


Learn is a flexible system, which helps facilitate events and e-learning with relative ease.

It is easy to assign learning to groups for mandatory training, as well as to assign catalogues for specific team development plans.

Reporting in the function is comprehensive, however, relies on SAP Business Objects, which may not be to everybody’s liking.

The Kallidus Support team is exceptionally helpful and always responds quickly, regardless of whether your query is urgent or just a question raised out of curiosity.