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Worried about The Great Resignation

taking your best people? L&D can fix that

It’s no secret that employees are resigning at an unforeseen rate. In fact, due to the neatness of the phrase ‘The Great Resignation’, the media are having a field day.

The Great Resignation: the rapid spike of working people voluntarily quitting their jobs after the pandemic.

And what’s worse than your best people leaving? Hiring in a candidate’s market!

And once you find great candidates, training and upskilling new starters are taking up time that you just don’t have.

So, what’s happening?

2 in 5 UK employees are looking to change jobs in the next 12 months.

In our recent Learner Survey report, the top reasons for employees looking to leave are to:

  • Gain more work/life flexibility
  • Seek more purpose
  • Learn more and progress their careers

A whopping 66% of workers aged 18-34 are looking for a job right now.

With a huge portion of the Gen Z and Millennial workforce seeking other opportunities, businesses cannot just sit back and watch them go.

Now is the time to listen to the needs of all your employees and act on them.

Top tip: don’t get bogged down on capital outlay spending on employee needs. The cost of employees leaving will be far more detrimental to your business than prioritising any L&D or employee benefit demands.

Employees are an investment, remember?

What businesses can do to keep their employees happy and motivated

Do your research

You need to know the facts from industry experts. Take our 2021 Learner Survey report as an example – full of key L&D statistics, emerging trends, and insights on how employees want to learn and what keeps them engaged. And guess what? eLearning is a big one.

Here are a few eLearning specific resources to help you discover what type of content is best for you:

  • It’s time to invest in bespoke eLearning – and here’s why!
  • Team-based gaming is the new workplace eLearning trend of 2021
  • eLearning – engage your audience with storytelling

Be direct; ask employees what they want

Some want extra investment in learning, others want flexible working. With the right tools, you can support your people from all angles.

Nurture a digital learning culture with a robust LMS and award-winning content to go with it.

Invest in L&D

71% of employees want more time and budget to learn at work. In fact, 60% of millennials say it’s important to have the opportunity to learn and grow in the workplace.

The demand for learning is there. Employees need support and the right tools to help them thrive.

Give employees the power to lead their own development. Provide a mobile-friendly learning experience so they can learn anywhere, at any time. Craft a personalised career progression so learners know exactly what to learn.

Better yet, integrate L&D specific software like Learn and Perform so learners can upskill, track their learning, and align it to their objectives.

When employees feel in control, they’re motivated and engaged. There’s no better way to avoid becoming a victim of The Great Resignation.

One thing is for certain: employees are looking to leave.

Whether people have re-evaluated their work/life priorities or are on the hunt for a better salary, talent is on the move.

The Great Resignation is happening globally – are you going to sit back and watch a portion of your teams leave?

Strengthen your L&D strategy; speak to our friendly team about how we can help your employees stay motivated, engaged, and happy at work.

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Written by Mara Swann

Mara has a passion for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion across global workplaces and hopes to inspire learners to focus on their own careers with self-directed learning content.


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