Kallidus achieves highest eNPS score in company history.
Summer is officially here, and we are loving it. Longer evenings, warm weather, summer parties; it’s all great. Unless you’re responsible for recruiting into the travel, hospitality, family attraction, retail, or holiday park industries.
From the cost-of-living crisis to travel disruptions, it’s unsurprising that many have decided to stay in the UK this summer, boosting the staycation trend even further. For holiday parks, tourist attractions, and hospitality, it’s going to be a busy summer. So, how will you deal with the massive influx of visitors this year? Bulk-hiring. Sounds like a lot of paperwork, right?
Seasonal recruiters – are you okay? Did you make it through the hiring process?
Whilst it’s still fresh, start putting plans in place now to ensure next summer is successful, and not stressful.
You probably know that an Applicant Tracking System is going to make your recruitment life easier, so imagine how easy it can make bulk hiring? Forget manually tracking candidates’ progress and juggling a thousand interviews: Our ATS, Recruit, can do that for you.
Learn from last year’s mistakes. Upgrade your bulk-hiring strategy with the help of our Applicant Tracking System, Recruit ATS.
So, you’ve found the right candidates. But it doesn’t stop there. It’s now time to onboard hundreds of new starters, all at once. Are we making your skin crawl yet?
Providing a smooth onboarding for your new hires is crucial. In fact, great onboarding can improve retention by 82%. But how is this all possible, you ask?
Invest in a Human Resources Information System (HRIS) with specialist bulk-hiring functionality.
Our HRIS, Sapling, takes care of those repetitive, manual HR tasks. Designed with onboarding in mind, its ability to automate and streamline core HR tasks means the onboarding process only takes minutes from an HR perspective.
And not forgetting the integration with our ATS. All candidate information flows straight into Sapling without any fuss… and you can actually enjoy your summer for a change.
Already looking forward to next summer? What if we told you there was another step to make your life even easier?
You may find that many of your new hires will want to come back next year. Returning candidates, that already know the job and people? That’s a win for sure. But how can you make this happen?
Well, with your efficient recruitment and smooth onboarding, you’re almost there.
But to get ahead of the game, invest in a Learning Management System (LMS) for your new hires (and current people, of course). An LMS provides your people with easy access to engaging and interactive learning that can support them to complete their compliance tasks with great results. And there’s more! An LMS also opens opportunities for further development and learning to enhance their skills.
Through learning, your people will gain confidence, and feel satisfied within their role. It’s also a great way for you to show candidates that you care by investing in them, providing a great sense of belonging.
Give your team the LMS solution they deserve. Speak to an expert today about our award-winning platform Learn.
Chances are, many of your seasonal hires are students on their summer breaks, or people looking for extra cash over the summer months, and it’s likely next summer they’ll be in the same situation. So, who will come to mind when they’re looking for seasonal work?
Seasonal staff may be temporary but creating a great relationship can develop a long-term commitment over the years, making each summer your best yet!
What’s that? That’s the sound of your summer returning.
Speak to our team about your challenges and we’ll show you how our award-winning software can help you focus more on your people strategy and less on those resource-heavy, output-poor tasks.