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Putting bespoke learning programmes into practice

L&D leaders are increasingly in a unique position to help thanks to today’s fast-paced business environment.

96% want to be able to improve organisational performance and increase on-the-job productivity [1], so are leaning more on trusted LMS providers to advise on bespoke elearning solutions to support business transformation and inspire lasting behavioural change. A trusted LMS provider will be able to integrate bespoke content for a seamless experience with user-experience at the forefront of design. Such programmes are proving to be particularly effective at delivering business impact and learning ROI when part of a blended learning programme.

A refreshing approach to learning

There are a number of things to consider when embarking on a bespoke learning project:

Your Audience

You need to have a deep understanding of your audience and their attitudes to online learning. Consider their ages, their backgrounds and their preferred learning styles, alongside their existing knowledge, learning abilities and learning needs. You may need to accommodate a wide range of different learning preferences and as such, ensure that all your learners can relate to the solution you develop.

The Engagement

For your elearning to be effective at driving behavioural change, it needs to be engaging, meaningful, memorable, and motivating. Your content should have practical application to real-life – the use of hard-hitting videos and real-life scenarios are great techniques to utilise. The learning content should be designed to help your audience to retain knowledge whilst motivating them to learn, develop their skillsets, modify their behaviours or improve their performance.

The Design

When designing, ensure that you develop content from the ground-up; gamification should never be an after-thought, but an intrinsic part of the design process, carefully considered from the outset as part of gameful design. Learners should be able to link behavioural change to concrete business goals – therefore, modelling ‘best practice’ is a core element of the learning programme. Consider presenting information in bite-sized modules so that your learners are not overloaded with too much content at once.


Today’s mobile workforce require access to content anywhere, anytime and on any device. They are more likely to engage in your online learning experience if you allow them access to the courses at a time and place that is convenient to them. Content should work seamlessly across a multitude of platforms and devices from smartphones and tablets to laptops and PCs.

Your Learning Provider

It pays to do your research. Ensure that your LMS provider has a reputation for creating innovative, behaviour-changing learning systems, experience in your sector and excellent customer satisfaction levels. Look at their learning portfolio, and feel free to ask for references from existing customers; the right provider will work collaboratively with you, sharing their expertise and adding value where you need it most.

Learning is changing

With 96% of L&D leaders wanting to improve employee engagement, and 93% wanting to improve staff motivation [1], the elearning environment is changing – the use of video, gamification, narratives and scenarios will continue to remain an important part of immersive workforce learning. These features can bring an element of fun and excitement, whilst giving learners the flexibility they need to accommodate training into their daily lives. Take advantage of your LMS provider, who will be able to ensure that their system will enhance your bespoke content to the best of its design.

The proof is in the pudding

Transport for London (TfL) delivered a blended learning programme that has transformed customer service on the London Undergrounds. The project has been so successful that not only has it won eight prestigious HR and L&D industry awards in the last two years, it has enabled TfL to make improvements against several of their KPIs.

TfL needed an innovative blended learning programme to support the ambitious journey it was embarking on to modernise London Underground, transform customer service and upskill 5,000 employees. The solution would need to appeal to a diverse multi-generational workforce, promote knowledge transfer and most importantly, create lasting behavioural change.

The Results

Using successful and engaging gamification, gameful design and considering the learners’ needs, TfL established a solution that embedded learning and instilled lasting behavioural change. High levels of staff compliance (96% completion rates) and competence levels were achieved in just eight-months, with productivity savings of £4.4m; TfL is well on track on its journey to delivering world-class service.

Here’s what TfL had to say about the award-winning programme:

“We have been keeping track of performance and staff engagement throughout the project and have been delighted with the results. From design to delivery, the impact of the training has been far-reaching, and has exceeded expectations on all levels.”

– Alexandra Bode-Tunji, programme lead for the Skills and Capabilities London Underground Programme

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Written by Mara Swann

Mara has a passion for promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion across global workplaces and hopes to inspire learners to focus on their own careers with self-directed learning content.


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