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Soft Skills Courses
Prepare your people to handle any workplace situation with these off-the-shelf soft skills courses.
Kallidus is trusted by some of the world’s top performing businesses, including Aston Martin and Ricoh. They trust us, so can you.
Effective Delegation
An interactive and engaging online course on effective delegation for employees.
Leading a Meeting
An interactive and engaging online course on leading a meeting for employees.
Developing Team Trust
Research shows that a team that has a strong foundation of trust between its members and in their leader is more agile, more productive, more creative, more innovative, and more fun to work in.
Rehearsing for your Presentations
An interactive and engaging online course on rehearsing for your presentations for employees.
Stage Presence
An interactive and engaging online course on stage presence for employees.
Communicating to Influence
Persuade, negotiate, communicate and manage better with effective influencing skills.
Giving and Receiving Feedback
Being able to guide your people to achieve high performance and outstanding results differentiates good and exceptional managers.
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be learned and will improve how we interact with others. Often, we react without taking the time to recognise and respond to our circumstances in the most appropriate way. This can mean missing opportunities and misunderstanding or misinterpreting the actions of others.
Angry Customers
Maintaining a professional, calm approach when faced with angry customers can be challenging. Learners will find out how to defuse anger as you go through the process of resolving the issue, and how to achieve an adult-to-adult, problem-solving approach in the face of emotion.
Improving Group Dynamics
An interactive and engaging online course on improving group dynamics for employees.
Hybrid Working
Hybrid working is here to stay and is now popular in many companies, with many people doing a mixture of working from home and going into the office. Research shows that most people welcome this change from regular travel to and working in an office.
Change management
Change is generally challenging for people – we like what we consider to be familiar and safe. There is a wariness about doing something new or in a different way. It can be disruptive and cause anxiety among those affected.
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