Influencing to Win/Win

An interactive and engaging online course on influencing to win/win for employees.

How it works

Whether a manager or a salesperson, influencing and negotiation skills training are necessary for anyone in business. This is because the ability to bring others to your way of thinking without force or coercion is critical in nurturing business growth.

Influencing is not just a communication skill, it is a mindset! Successful influencers clarify their goals, focus their efforts on the right people and select the most appropriate influencing tactics.

This online course forms part of our Leadership & Management series and helps delegates develop the influencing skills that can open doors to increased sales and successful interactions with influential groups of people. Learn how to get your opinions heard and your ideas to relevant stakeholders in ways that are not coercive, threatening or manipulative. Training is delivered on the premise that delegates must view influencing as a process, not an action, and that they must be others-focused not self-focused. By the end of the course, learners are able to generate SMART influencing goals with win/win outcomes as well as being able to identify and select from different approaches to getting your ideas across according to the circumstances and the others involved.

The benefits of choosing off-the-shelf eLearning

  • Fun, accessible, and interactive online training
  • Customise courses to fit your brand
  • Up to 100 languages available
  • Free eBook to boost knowledge retention and support real-time implementation
  • Learn on-the-go with mobile-friendly courses
  • Add your own content; policies, procedures, PDF, videos, and more
  • CPD, RoSPA, IATP, and ECSC assured

This course covers

  • How to get your opinions heard and your ideas relevant to stakeholders
  • How to plan realistic win/win outcomes
  • How to adapt influencing tactics that are appropriate
  • Recognising influencing as an adult, respectful alternative to both command and manipulation
  • Viewing influencing as a process, not an action
  • Recognising that you must be others-focused not self-focused
  • Generating SMART influencing goals with win/win outcomes
  • Being able to identify champions, blockers and your floating voters
  • Using the 4 different approaches to getting your ideas across according to the circumstances

Course details

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All Leaders

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45 minutes with a 5 minute post course test

Blue icon of a book signifying knowledge and learning

eBook Available

Category: Influencing others

Decorative image for our Influencing to Win/Win online course

Influencing to Win/Win

An interactive and engaging online course on influencing to win/win for employees.

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Written by client
Decorative image for our Influencing in Meetings online course

Influencing in Meetings

An interactive and engaging online course on influencing in meetings for employees.

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Decorative image for our Influencing Teams online course

Influencing Teams

An interactive and engaging online course on influencing teams.

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Written by client
Decorative image for our Emotional Intelligence online course

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is a skill that can be learned and will improve how we interact with others. Often, we react without taking the time to recognise and respond to our circumstances in the most appropriate way. This can mean missing opportunities and misunderstanding or misinterpreting the actions of others.

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Written by client